绿党的社会发展发言人指责新西兰政府在贫困政策中有选择地使用数据,倡导有保障的最低收入。 Green Party's social development spokesperson accuses NZ government of selective data use in poverty policies, advocating for a guaranteed minimum income.
绿党社会发展发言人里卡多·梅内德斯·马奇(Ricardo Menéndez March)批评新西兰政府选择性地使用社会发展部的数据来证明其贫困政策的合理性。 Ricardo Menéndez March, the Green Party's social development spokesperson, has criticized the New Zealand government for selectively using data from the Ministry of Social Development to justify its poverty policies. 他认为,政府忽视了弱势群体的需求,而是专注于未能解决贫困根源的惩罚性福利制裁。 He argues that the government overlooks the needs of vulnerable populations, instead focusing on punitive benefit sanctions that fail to address root causes of poverty. Menéndez March 倡导通过更公平的税收制度来保证最低收入作为解决方案。 Menéndez March advocates for a guaranteed minimum income funded by a fairer tax system as a solution.