四名泰国国民在以色列-黎巴嫩边境附近被火箭弹炸死,一人受伤。 Four Thai nationals were killed and one injured by rocket fire near the Israel-Lebanon border.
泰国外交部长 Maris Sangiampongsa 证实,四名泰国国民在以色列-黎巴嫩边境附近被火箭弹炸死,另一人受伤。 Four Thai nationals were killed and another injured by rocket fire near the Israel-Lebanon border, as confirmed by Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa. 这起事件发生在紧张局势和暴力加剧的地区,包括之前导致大量人员伤亡的冲突。 This incident occurred in an area experiencing heightened tensions and violence, including previous conflicts that resulted in numerous casualties. 这次袭击与涉及哈马斯激进分子的持续敌对行动有关。 The attack is linked to ongoing hostilities involving Hamas militants.