喜剧演员马库斯·布里格斯托克 (Marcus Brigstocke) 披露了他过去的色情成瘾,强调了它对大脑化学和康复之旅的影响。 Comedian Marcus Brigstocke disclosed his past porn addiction, highlighting its impact on brain chemistry and recovery journey.
喜剧演员马库斯·布里格斯托克 (Marcus Brigstocke) 透露了他过去对色情片的成瘾,他在 The Hidden 20% 播客上讨论了这一点。 Comedian Marcus Brigstocke disclosed his past addiction to pornography, which he discussed on The Hidden 20% podcast. 这种成瘾是在一段结束了他的第一段婚姻并导致功能失调的行为之后发生的。 The addiction followed an affair that ended his first marriage and led to dysfunctional behavior. 现年 51 岁的布里格斯托克指出,许多色情成瘾者从年轻开始,并强调了成瘾对大脑化学的毒性影响。 Now 51, Brigstocke noted that many porn addicts start young and highlighted the addiction's toxic effects on brain chemistry. 此后,他寻求帮助并克服了这个问题,现在与同为喜剧演员的雷切尔·帕里斯 (Rachel Parris) 结婚。 He has since sought help and overcome this issue, and is now married to fellow comedian Rachel Parris.