在劳动力大修和转向择优评价的情况下,波音已经解散了DEI部门。 Boeing has disbanded its DEI department amid a workforce overhaul and a shift to merit-based evaluations.
作为由新任CEO David Calhoun领导的更广泛的员工队伍改革的一部分,波音已经解散了其全球多样性、平等和包容部。 Boeing has dismantled its global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department as part of a broader workforce revamp led by new CEO David Calhoun. 这一决定反映了在对企业进行环境倡议工作的压力越来越大的情况下,向“以业绩为基础的”考绩制度的转变。 This decision reflects a shift towards a "merit-based" performance appraisal system amid mounting pressure on corporations regarding DEI efforts. 虽然波音以前的目的是加强多样性,但随着这一重大的组织变革,其DEI倡议的前景现在不确定。 While Boeing had previously aimed to enhance diversity, the future of its DEI initiatives is now uncertain following this significant organizational change.