West Red Lake Gold Mines 在安大略省 Madsen Mine 项目的预算内提前完成了尾矿坝的提升。 West Red Lake Gold Mines completes tailings dam lift ahead of schedule and under budget for Madsen Mine project, Ontario.
West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. 更新了位于安大略省 Red Lake 的 Madsen 矿项目,宣布提前在预算内完成尾矿坝提升,支持为期五年的日产量 800 吨的开采。 West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. has updated the Madsen Mine project in Red Lake, Ontario, announcing the completion of a tailings dam lift ahead of schedule and under budget, supporting over five years of mining at 800 tonnes per day. 该公司正在与SRK咨询公司完成可行性初步研究,预计将很快发布,以指导该矿于2025年中期重新启动。 The company is finalizing a pre-feasibility study (PFS) with SRK Consulting, expected to be released soon, to guide the mine's restart targeted for mid-2025. 定义钻探继续提高地雷规划的准确性。 Definition drilling continues to enhance accuracy in mine planning.