从11月7日起, 在加拿大美国, 星巴克取消非奶乳选择的额外费用, Starbucks eliminates extra charge for non-dairy milk options in US, Canada from November 7.
从11月7日开始, Starbucks将取消美国和加拿大对大豆、燕麦、杏仁、椰子奶等非奶制品选择的额外费用。 Starting November 7, Starbucks will eliminate the extra charge for non-dairy milk options like soy, oat, almond, and coconut milk in the U.S. and Canada. 这一变化恰逢假日菜单的推出,目的是加强客户定制,有可能使近一半受影响客户的价格降低10%以上。 This change coincides with the launch of the holiday menu and aims to enhance customer customization, potentially reducing prices for nearly half of affected customers by over 10%. Brian Niccol首席执行官强调了这一决定在创造欢迎和个性化星巴克经验方面的重要性。 CEO Brian Niccol emphasized the importance of this decision in creating a welcoming and personalized Starbucks experience.