Sabrina Kehoe 和 Conor O'Brien 被指控在卡洛刺伤案中犯有谋杀和武器罪。 Sabrina Kehoe and Conor O'Brien charged with murder and weapons offence in Carlow stabbing.
Sabrina Kehoe和Conor O'Brien被控谋杀Darren Quigley, Darren Quigley在爱尔兰的Carlow被致命刺伤。 Sabrina Kehoe and Conor O'Brien have been charged in the murder of Darren Quigley, who was fatally stabbed in Carlow, Ireland. Kehoe因据称4次刺杀Quigley而面临谋杀指控,而O'Brien被控带武器到现场。 Kehoe faces a murder charge for allegedly stabbing Quigley four times, while O'Brien is charged with bringing weapons to the scene. 两人均通过视频链接出现在Carlow地区法院,并被还押候审,直至11月6日,届时他们将返回,接受检察长的进一步指示。 Both appeared via video link in Carlow District Court and are remanded in custody until November 6, when they will return for further directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions.