由于新西兰生活费用上涨,卫生馆和新西兰新生力量提供的1 000万份早餐服务有40%的需求未得到满足。 10 million breakfast servings provided by Sanitarium and NZFN face 40% unmet demand due to cost-of-living rise in New Zealand.
自2020年7月以来,卫生馆和新西兰粮食网向新西兰60多个粮食枢纽提供了1 000万份早餐服务。 Since July 2020, Sanitarium and the New Zealand Food Network (NZFN) have provided 10 million breakfast servings to over 60 Food Hubs in New Zealand. 然而,最近的数据表明,这些中心只能满足60%不断增长的粮食援助需求,主要原因是生活费用上涨。 However, recent data indicates these hubs can meet only 60% of the rising demand for food assistance, primarily due to the increasing cost of living. 在解决粮食无保障问题方面,特别是在经济挑战加剧的持续危机期间,卫生馆的支持至关重要。 Sanitarium's support has been critical in addressing food insecurity, particularly during the ongoing crisis exacerbated by economic challenges.