马萨诸塞州法院推翻了MIAA关于高中运动的没收决定,恢复了Minnechaug球场曲棍球和女子排球记录。 Massachusetts court overturns MIAA forfeiture decision on high school sports, restoring Minnechaug field hockey and girls volleyball records.
马萨诸塞州法院与Hampden-Wilbraham地区学校区和Monson高中站在一起,在涉及高中体育的没收纠纷中,裁决反对MIAA。 A Massachusetts court has sided with the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District and Monson High School, ruling against the MIAA in a forfeiture dispute affecting high school sports. 该决定恢复了明尼乔格曲棍球队和女子排球队在州锦标赛比赛中的实际记录。 The decision restored the actual records of the Minnechaug field hockey and girls volleyball teams for state tournament brackets. 北安普敦公立学校自此提出动议, 要求为足球计划提供类似救济, 声称MIAA的没收决定是不公正的。 Northampton Public Schools has since filed a motion seeking similar relief for its soccer programs, asserting the MIAA's forfeiture decisions were unjust.