经当局证实,东Idaho elk猎人致命射杀雌灰熊进行自卫。 East Idaho elk hunter fatally shot charging female grizzly bear in self-defense, confirmed by authorities.
10月26日,在爱达荷州东部,一名猎人以自卫的手段在基尔戈尔附近杀害了一只熊. On October 26, an elk hunter in East Idaho fatally shot a charging female grizzly bear in self-defense near Kilgore. 这是6月以来第三起此类事件,发生在Caribou-Targhee国家森林。 This incident, the third of its kind since June, occurred in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. 包括爱达荷渔猎局在内的当局确认猎人行为适当。 Authorities, including the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, confirmed the hunter acted appropriately. 官方建议,在已知有灰熊的地区,猎人应谨慎行事。 Officials advise caution for hunters in areas known to have grizzly bears.