刚果民主共和国要求联合国撤出东部地区的维和部队, DR Congo requests UN to withdraw peacekeepers from eastern region amid escalating violence.
刚果民主共和国(刚果(金))敦促联合国将其维持和平部队联刚稳定团撤出受武装团体和不断升级的暴力所困扰的矿产丰富的东部地区。 The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is urging the United Nations to withdraw its peacekeeping force, MONUSCO, from the mineral-rich eastern region plagued by armed groups and escalating violence. 刚果民主共和国政府寻求稳定,但面对当地对维和人员的不满,尽管维和人员已经存在了20多年。 The DRC government seeks stability but faces local resentment towards the peacekeepers, despite their presence for over two decades. 越来越多的人担心撤离可能会使数百万流离失所的平民变得脆弱,因为其中80%以上的人居住在目前受联合国保护的地区。 Concerns grow that a withdrawal could leave millions of displaced civilians vulnerable, as over 80% of them reside in areas currently protected by the UN.