英国制裁俄罗斯 SDA 和三个通过虚假信息破坏乌克兰稳定的人物。 UK sanctions Russian SDA and three figures for destabilizing Ukraine through disinformation.
联合王国制裁了俄罗斯国家支持的虚假信息机构社会设计局(SDA)和三名企图破坏乌克兰稳定的高级人物。 The UK has sanctioned the Russian state-backed disinformation agency Social Design Agency (SDA) and three senior figures for efforts to destabilize Ukraine. 在克里姆林宫的资助下,民主行动党被指控通过假账户和网站散布虚假信息,破坏民主和对乌克兰的国际支持。 Funded by the Kremlin, the SDA is accused of spreading false information through fake accounts and websites, undermining democracy and international support for Ukraine. 联合王国外交大臣戴维·拉姆米强调,这些制裁标志着反对外国干涉的坚定立场,这反映了美国最近对类似实体采取的行动。 UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy emphasized that these sanctions signal a firm stance against foreign interference, echoing recent U.S. actions against similar entities.