共和党将宾夕法尼亚州的阿米什社区作为选民登记和投票对象。 Republicans target Amish community in Pennsylvania for voter registration and turnout.
共和党人积极以宾夕法尼亚的阿米什社区为对象, Republicans are actively targeting the Amish community in Pennsylvania, a key swing state, to increase voter registration and turnout. 虽然大多数阿米什人传统上避免投票,因为他们具有历史上的分离主义和"两国"神学,但少数人参加过过去的选举. While most Amish traditionally avoid voting due to their historic separatism and "two-kingdom" theology, a small minority have participated in past elections. 该州约有 92,000 名阿米什人,他们的价值观与共和党关于有限政府和宗教自由的信息一致,尽管专家怀疑他们的投票不会对选举结果产生重大影响。 With around 92,000 Amish in the state, their values align with Republican messaging on limited government and religious freedom, though experts doubt their votes will significantly influence election outcomes.