佛罗里达州马丁县官员警告说,飓风米尔顿过后,风暴碎片中有毒蛇。 Martin County, FL officials warn of venomous snakes in storm debris after Hurricane Milton.
在佛罗里达州马丁县米尔顿飓风过后, 官员警告居民注意可能隐藏在风暴碎片堆中的毒蛇。 Following Hurricane Milton, Martin County, Florida, officials caution residents about potential venomous snakes hiding in storm debris piles. 温暖黑暗的地区吸引蛇和猎物 The warm, dark areas attract snakes and their prey. 最近的报告强调了与蛇的遭遇,包括响尾蛇。 Recent reports highlight encounters with snakes, including rattlesnakes. 建议居民在户外时保持警惕,特别是当行走的狗时,如果蛇构成威胁,则通知动物管制局。 Residents are advised to remain vigilant while outdoors, especially when walking dogs, and to call Animal Control if a snake poses a threat. 有一张碎片清除图可供指导。 A debris removal map is available for guidance.