Imran Khan和妻子在Toshakhana案中因涉嫌非法持有珠宝而被起诉。 Imran Khan and wife indicted in Toshakhana case over alleged illegal jewelry retention.
巴基斯坦PTI的创始人Imran Khan及其妻子Bushra Bibi预计将在Toshakhana案中被起诉,该案涉及据称非法扣留沙特王储的首饰礼物。 Imran Khan, founder of Pakistan's PTI, and his wife, Bushra Bibi, are expected to be indicted in a Toshakhana case regarding alleged illegal retention of a jewellery gift from the Saudi crown prince. 国家问责局声称,对礼品的低估给国库造成了损失。 The National Accountability Bureau claims the undervaluation of the gift caused a loss to the national treasury. Bushra从白沙瓦高等法院获得保护性保释,在多起针对她的案件中阻止她被捕14天。 Bushra has received protective bail from the Peshawar High Court, preventing her arrest for 14 days amid multiple cases against her.