在普雷斯顿,由于对冬季燃料津贴和国民保险的预算担忧,工党的支持率动摇。 In Preston, Labour support falters amid budget concerns over winter fuel allowances and national insurance.
在Preston这个劳动党的长期据点,随着联合王国政府预算的接近,人们对该党的信心正在动摇。 In Preston, a longstanding Labour stronghold, confidence in the party is faltering as the UK government's budget approaches. 当地贸易商和购物商对养恤金领取者冬季燃料津贴可能发生变化以及雇主缴纳的国家保险费可能增加表示关切。 Local traders and shoppers express concerns over potential changes to winter fuel allowances for pensioners and increased national insurance contributions for employers. 这种不确定性导致许多居民质疑他们对劳工的支持,这反映出更广泛的经济焦虑和对政府方向的不满。 This uncertainty has led many residents to question their support for Labour, reflecting broader economic anxieties and dissatisfaction with the government's direction.