执法机构在肯塔基州城市进行了突袭,拘留了两名与丰收返校节致命枪击案有关的嫌疑人。 Law enforcement agencies conducted raids in Kentucky cities, detaining two suspects linked to a fatal Harvest Homecoming Festival shooting.
执法机构在新奥尔巴尼、杰斐逊维尔和肯塔基州路易斯维尔进行了突击搜查,拘留了两名与 10 月 12 日丰收返乡节致命枪击事件有关的人。 Law enforcement agencies conducted raids in New Albany, Jeffersonville, and Louisville, Kentucky, detaining two individuals linked to a fatal shooting at the Harvest Homecoming Festival on October 12. 行动的目的是收集案件证据,从而收缴了几件火器。 The operation aimed to gather evidence in the case, resulting in the recovery of several firearms. 地方当局正在合作为受害者伸张正义,包括被谋杀的Bryce Gerlach和另外两人受伤。 Local authorities are collaborating to seek justice for the victims, including Bryce Gerlach, who was murdered, and two others injured.