2025年全球半导体收入将增长14%,达到717bn,这是由AI需求和电子回收驱动的。 2025 global semiconductor revenue to rise 14% to $717bn, driven by AI demand and electronics recovery.
Gartner报告预测全球半导体收入到2025年将增长14%至7 170亿美元, A Gartner report predicts global semiconductor revenue will rise 14% to $717 billion by 2025, driven by increased demand for AI and a recovery in electronics production. 记忆市场预计将增长20.5%,达到1963亿美元,而GPU收入可能达到510亿美元,增长27%。 The memory market is expected to grow by 20.5% to $196.3 billion, while GPU revenue may reach $51 billion, a 27% increase. 由于产量和需求的增加, 预计DRAM的收入将达到1156亿美元. DRAM revenue is projected at $115.6 billion, fueled by enhanced production and demand. 总体而言,市场在2023年下跌后正在反弹。 Overall, the market is rebounding after a decline in 2023.