一名持有未执行逮捕令的联邦罪犯在圣卡特哈林斯被捕。 A federal offender with an outstanding warrant was apprehended in St. Catharines.
一名通缉的联邦罪犯在圣卡特哈林斯被捕。 A wanted federal offender was apprehended in St. Catharines. 逮捕突出显示,目前正在开展执法工作,以追查尚未执行逮捕令的个人。 The arrest highlights ongoing law enforcement efforts to track down individuals with outstanding warrants. 当局继续强调社区在报告与被通缉人员有关的可疑活动时保持警惕的重要性。 Authorities continue to emphasize the importance of community vigilance in reporting suspicious activities related to wanted persons. 没有透露关于罪犯指控或身份的进一步详情。 Further details about the offender's charges or identity were not disclosed.