16 岁少年在长滩帮派相关事件中被枪杀,嫌疑人在拉斯维加斯被捕。 16-year-old shot dead in Long Beach gang-related incident, suspect arrested in Las Vegas.
8月4日在加州长滩发生的一起与帮派有关的事件中,一名16岁男孩被枪杀。 A 16-year-old boy was shot and killed in a gang-related incident in Long Beach, California, on August 4th. 嫌犯Ronald Guidry(41岁)经过彻底调查后于10月17日在拉斯维加斯被捕。 The suspect, Ronald Guidry (41), was arrested in Las Vegas on October 17th after a thorough investigation. 发现受害者多处枪伤,一名男性亲属将他送走,他也受了轻伤。 The victim was found with multiple gunshot wounds, and a male relative who dropped him off also sustained minor injuries. 长滩警方正在寻求公众提供更多信息, Long Beach Police are seeking additional information from the public as the case progresses.