19岁的Dwayne Lumont Johnson Jr.被控谋杀未遂,在印第安纳州65号州际公路向司机开枪。 19-year-old Dwayne Lumont Johnson Jr. charged with attempted murder, shooting driver on Interstate 65 in Indiana.
来自伊利诺伊州的一名19岁男子Dwayne Lumont Johnson Jr.被控企图谋杀和其他重罪,据称他于星期五晚上在印第安纳州第65号州际公路向另一名司机开枪。 A 19-year-old man from Illinois, Dwayne Lumont Johnson Jr., has been charged with attempted murder and other felonies after allegedly shooting another driver on Interstate 65 in Indiana on Friday night. 事件发生在晚上8时15分左右,靠近215英里标记处。 The incident occurred near mile marker 215 around 8:15 p.m. 受害人报告了枪击事件,执法部门后来找到了Johnson的车辆,发现里面有一把9毫米手枪。 The victim reported the shooting, and law enforcement later located Johnson's vehicle, finding a 9mm handgun inside. 受害者住院治疗,但有望康复。 The victim is hospitalized but expected to recover. 另外两名乘客未经指控获释。 Two other passengers were released without charges.