27岁的澳大利亚歌手和AGT获奖者Jack Vidgen因吸毒成瘾复发而第四次进入戒毒所。 27-year-old Australian singer and AGT winner, Jack Vidgen, enters rehab for 4th time due to addiction relapse.
澳大利亚27岁的歌手杰克·维德根 (Jack Vidgen) 已经进入第四次康复中心, Jack Vidgen, the 27-year-old Australian singer and Australia's Got Talent winner, has entered rehab for the fourth time following a five-week relapse in his struggle with addiction. 在一封情感Instagram的文章中,他强调了心理健康的重要性,并对家人和朋友的支持表示感谢。 In an emotional Instagram post, he emphasized the importance of mental health and expressed gratitude for the support from family and friends. 过去四年来,维德根面临着治疗方面的挑战,尽管人们对他的职业生涯感到担忧,但维德根正在优先考虑他的福祉。 Vidgen, who has faced treatment challenges over the past four years, is prioritizing his well-being despite concerns about his career.