联合国安理会讨论伊朗对以色列袭击伊朗军事基地的投诉,声称这违反了国际法。 UN Security Council to discuss Iran's complaint over Israel's strikes on Iranian military sites, claiming breach of international law.
应伊朗的请求,联合国安全理事会星期一将举行会议,讨论以色列最近对伊朗军事地点的袭击,伊朗声称这些袭击违反国际法并威胁主权。 The UN Security Council will meet Monday at Iran's request to discuss Israel's recent strikes on Iranian military sites, which Iran claims breach international law and threaten sovereignty. 伊朗要求以色列以违反国际法和《联合国宪章》为由,强烈谴责以色列的行动。 Iran demands strong condemnation of Israel's actions, citing violations of international law and the UN Charter. 虽然以色列大使声称以色列有自卫的权利,但国际原子能机构报告说,伊朗的核计划仍然未受影响。 While the Israeli ambassador asserts Israel's right to self-defense, the International Atomic Energy Agency reports that Iran's nuclear program remains unaffected.