印度拉达赫的Suru Valley被列为国家地理社前25个旅行目的地。 Suru Valley, Ladakh, India, listed among National Geographic's top 25 travel destinations.
印度拉达赫的Suru Valley被命名为2025年国家地理25大旅游目的地之一, Suru Valley in Ladakh, India, has been named one of National Geographic's top 25 travel destinations for 2025, celebrated for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and tranquil atmosphere. 喜马拉雅山景色令人惊叹,苏鲁修道院等历史遗址对探险者和精神朝圣者都有吸引力。 The area features breathtaking Himalayan scenery and historical sites like the Suru Monastery, appealing to both adventure seekers and spiritual pilgrims. 当地官员热切希望将山谷作为和平的思考和探索的避难所。 Local officials are eager to promote the valley as a peaceful sanctuary for reflection and exploration.