美国国家卫生研究院资助的370万美元研究由密歇根州立大学和拉格斯大学进行, 调查结构性种族主义对巴尔的摩黑人社区的健康,住房和老龄化的影响. 3.7m NIH-funded study by Michigan State University and Rutgers examines structural racism's impact on Black communities in Baltimore's health, housing, and aging.
来自密歇根州立大学和拉特格斯大学的研究人员正在发起一项370万美元的研究,由NIH提供资金,以探讨结构性种族主义对巴尔的摩800名黑人和白人成年人的住房、老龄化和健康的影响。 Researchers from Michigan State University and Rutgers University are launching a $3.7 million study, funded by the NIH, to explore the effects of structural racism on housing, aging, and health among 800 Black and white adults in Baltimore. 这项研究将分析上个世纪歧视性政策对黑人占多数的社区的影响,目的是查明系统性挑战,并为打击种族健康不平等的战略提供信息。 The study will analyze the impact of discriminatory policies over the past century on predominantly Black communities, aiming to identify systemic challenges and inform strategies to combat racial health inequities.