澳大利亚小企业支付的无接触卡费是大型企业的三倍,每年费用为800-1美元。 Australian small businesses pay three times more on contactless card fees than large businesses, amounting to $800-$1bn annual cost.
澳大利亚小企业在电子、无接触和借记卡交易方面的费用要高得多,其支付额是大企业的三倍。 Small businesses in Australia face significantly higher fees for electronic, contactless, and debit card transactions, paying three times more than larger businesses. 因此,估计每年的费用负担为8亿至10亿美元。 This results in an estimated annual cost burden of $800 million to $1 billion. 对此,储备银行正在审查支付制度,倡导者呼吁强制规定成本最低的路线,选择最廉价的支付途径,提高透明度,使企业和消费者都能负担得起。 In response, the Reserve Bank is reviewing the payment system, and advocates are calling for mandatory least-cost routing to select the cheapest payment pathways, enhancing transparency and affordability for both businesses and consumers.