26 岁的马修·帕卢齐 (Matthew Paluzzi) 被指控刺伤父亲致死,能力评估定于 11 月 14 日进行。 26-year-old Matthew Paluzzi accused of fatally stabbing father, competency evaluation set for November 14.
马修·帕卢齐(Matthew Paluzzi),26岁,被控在8月致命刺杀其父亲安东尼·帕鲁齐(Anthony Paluzzi),73岁,在被推迟的传讯前,将接受能力评估。 Matthew Paluzzi, 26, accused of fatally stabbing his father, Anthony Paluzzi, 73, in August, will undergo a competency evaluation before his arraignment, which has been postponed. 普利茅斯县地方检察官Tim Cruz宣布下一次出庭定于11月14日,届时将评估Paluzzi接受审判的能力。 Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz announced that the next court appearance is scheduled for November 14, where Paluzzi's ability to stand trial will be assessed. 他在汉诺威被捕时,衣服上沾满鲜血,被证实是他父亲的。 He was arrested in Hanover with blood on his clothing, confirmed to be his father's.