联合王国政府审查判刑备选办法,包括监禁替代办法,以解决监狱能力问题。 UK government reviews sentencing options, including alternatives to incarceration, to address prison capacity issues.
联合王国政府正在审查判刑备选办法,以解决监狱能力问题,同时考虑监外教养办法。 The UK government is reviewing sentencing options to address prison capacity issues, considering alternatives to incarceration. 劳工部长Shabana Mahmood建议使用电子标签等“软禁”技术来监视罪犯。 Labour's Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood suggests using technology like electronic tags for "house arrest" to monitor offenders. 审查还可探讨全球改革想法,包括鼓励良好行为和参与康复方案。 The review may also explore global reform ideas, including incentives for good behavior and participation in rehabilitation programs. 政府因其提前释放计划而受到批评,这促使人们呼吁对司法系统进行全面改革。 The government faces criticism over its early release scheme, prompting calls for a justice system overhaul.