RoadSafe Hawke's Bay 和警方在 5 号国道上设立了疲劳检查站,对司机进行疲劳教育,并进行呼气测试。 RoadSafe Hawke's Bay and Police held a fatigue checkpoint on State Highway 5, educating drivers on fatigue, and administering breath tests.
RoadSafe Hawke's Bay 和东区警察在 5 号州道上设立了疲劳检查站,重点是教育司机了解疲劳驾驶的危险和休息的必要性。 RoadSafe Hawke's Bay and Eastern District Police held a fatigue checkpoint on State Highway 5, focusing on educating drivers about the dangers of fatigued driving and the need for breaks. 100多名汽车司机参加,免费获得咖啡和零食,同时进行了1 000多次呼吸测试,显示遵守情况良好。 Over 100 motorists participated, receiving free coffee and snacks, while over 1,000 breath tests were conducted, showing good compliance. 警方强调了道路事故的主要原因:超速、安全带使用、损伤和分散注意力,并将在夏季增加安全巡逻。 Police highlighted key causes of road accidents: speeding, seatbelt use, impairment, and distraction, and will increase patrols for safety during the summer.