以色列对黎巴嫩和加沙的空袭造成多人死亡,包括三名媒体工作人员。 Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon and Gaza cause multiple fatalities, including three media staff.
以色列对黎巴嫩和加沙的空袭造成多人死亡,包括黎巴嫩3名媒体工作人员因记者大院遭到袭击而死亡。 Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon and Gaza have resulted in multiple fatalities, including the deaths of three media staff members in Lebanon due to a strike on a journalist compound. 局势仍然动荡不定,事态发展仍在继续。 The situation remains fluid, with ongoing developments. 此外,天气预报详述了阳光晴朗到部分多云的天空、气温和下雨的可能性,这与中东的事件无关。 Separately, a weather forecast detailing sunny to partly cloudy skies, temperatures, and a chance of rain appears unrelated to the events in the Middle East.