2022年7月28日, 新南威尔士州,59岁的David Mapp因在争吵期间投掷锅炉杀害母亲Colleen Wilson而被判有罪。 59-year-old David Mapp found guilty of murdering mother, Colleen Wilson, by throwing pot plant during argument, NSW, 28 July 2022.
2022 年 7 月 28 日,59 岁的大卫·安德鲁·马普 (David Andrew Mapp) 在新南威尔士州通比翁比 (Tumbi Umbi) 的一次争吵中,向她的头部投掷盆栽植物,谋杀了他 82 岁的母亲科琳·威尔逊 (Colleen Wilson)。 David Andrew Mapp, 59, was found guilty of murdering his 82-year-old mother, Colleen Wilson, by throwing a pot plant at her head during an argument in Tumbi Umbi, NSW, on July 28, 2022. 尽管他声称由于海洛因的提取和焦虑而没有故意采取行动,但他的过失杀人罪辩护被驳回。 Despite claiming he acted without intent due to heroin withdrawal and anxiety, his manslaughter plea was rejected. Mapp使用海洛因的历史悠久,事件发生后,他母亲的物品被当做毒品。 Mapp had a long history of heroin use and pawned his mother's belongings for drugs after the incident. 判决定于2月5日进行。 Sentencing is scheduled for February 5.