研究指出,不列颠哥伦比亚省致命黑熊控制并不能防止人类长期冲突。 Lethal black bear control in British Columbia does not prevent long-term human-bear conflict, study says.
维多利亚大学和UBC公司的一项研究发现,不列颠哥伦比亚省对黑熊的致命控制不会导致人类熊冲突的长期减少。 A study by the University of Victoria and UBC found that lethal control of black bears in British Columbia does not lead to long-term decreases in human-bear conflict. 冲突虽然短暂减少,但最终反弹。 While conflicts briefly declined, they eventually rebounded. 研究确定,人类粮食供应和自然粮食短缺是冲突的主要驱动因素,气候变化加剧了粮食短缺问题。 The research identifies human food availability and natural food shortages, worsened by climate change, as key conflict drivers. 作者主张采取非致命性措施,更好地管理人类和环境因素。 The authors advocate for non-lethal measures and better management of human and environmental factors instead.