英联邦领导人在萨摩亚会议上讨论了对联合王国在奴隶贸易中的历史作用的赔偿问题。 Commonwealth leaders discuss reparations for UK's historical role in the slave trade at the Samoa meeting.
在萨摩亚举行的英联邦政府首脑会议之前,呼吁联合王国通过赔偿解决其在奴隶贸易中的历史作用问题。 Ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa, calls for the UK to address its historical role in the slave trade through reparations are intensifying. 虽然劳工领袖Keir Starmer爵士说赔偿不在议程上,但英联邦领导人计划讨论这个问题。 Although Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has stated that reparations are not on the agenda, Commonwealth leaders plan to discuss the issue. 活动人士估计,赔偿金额可能达到 18 万亿英镑(24 万亿美元)。 Campaigners estimate reparations could reach £18 trillion ($24 trillion). 然而,联合王国政府仍然注重当前的挑战,排除了赔偿。 The UK government, however, remains focused on present challenges and has ruled out reparations.