Ashok Leyland 的子公司 OHM 收到来自钦奈 MTC 的 500 辆电动公交车订单,由 Switch Mobility 提供。 Ashok Leyland's subsidiary OHM receives 500 electric bus order from Chennai's MTC, supplied by Switch Mobility.
Ashok Leyland的子公司OHM Global Promotion收到了Chennai的都市运输公司(MTC)的500辆电动公共汽车订单。 Ashok Leyland's subsidiary, OHM Global Mobility, has received an order for 500 electric buses from Chennai's Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC). 这些由Switch Mobility提供的巴士包括400辆非AC型和100辆AC型,每辆可容纳37名乘客,24名站立乘客. The buses, supplied by Switch Mobility, include 400 non-AC and 100 AC models, each seating 37 passengers with space for 24 standing. 它们每次充电的续航里程超过200公里, 并且将由OHM运营和维护12年, 推动阿肖克·莱兰德致力于电动交通和可持续交通. They have a range exceeding 200 kilometers per charge and will be operated and maintained by OHM for 12 years, advancing Ashok Leyland's commitment to electric mobility and sustainable transport.