俄亥俄州AG Yost指控六名非公民在2008-2020年间非法投票, Ohio AG Yost indicts six non-citizens for illegal voting between 2008-2020, all facing felony charges.
俄亥俄州总检察长Dave Yost在审查了600多起与投票有关的案件之后,宣布起诉六名非公民在2008年至2020年期间非法投票。 Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced the indictment of six non-citizens for illegally voting between 2008 and 2020, following a review of over 600 voting-related cases. 所有六人都是合法居民,但没有美国公民身份,都面临重罪指控。 All six, who were legal residents but lacked U.S. citizenship, face felony charges. Yost强调,这种不合规定之处很少见,并向公众保证,选举廉正工作正在进行之中。 Yost emphasized that such irregularities are rare and reassured the public of ongoing election integrity efforts. 这些人定于11月出庭。 The individuals are set to appear in court in November.