密歇根州立大学和罗格斯大学研究结构性种族主义对住房、老龄化和健康的长期影响,重点是巴尔的摩居民。 Michigan State University and Rutgers University study long-term effects of structural racism on housing, aging, and health, focusing on Baltimore residents.
密歇根州立大学和拉特格斯大学正在进行第一项国家资助的研究,研究结构性种族主义对住房、老龄化和健康的长期影响。 Michigan State University and Rutgers University are conducting the first nationally funded study on the long-term effects of structural racism on housing, aging, and health. 该研究以巴尔的摩的 800 名黑人和白人成年人为重点,将探讨红线和绅士化等历史政策对种族不平等的影响。 Focusing on 800 Black and white adults in Baltimore, the research will explore the impacts of historical policies like redlining and gentrification on racial inequities. 调查结果旨在为宣传和政策工作提供信息,以解决这些差距,改善保健公平。 The findings aim to inform advocacy and policy efforts to address these disparities and improve health equity.