CEO警告北爱尔兰水基础设施筹资改革对于防止住房危机和经济影响至关重要。 CEO warns Northern Ireland's water infrastructure funding reform essential to prevent housing crisis and economic repercussions.
建筑雇主联合会首席执行官Mark Spence警告说,如果不改革北爱尔兰水和废水基础设施的供资,该区域将面临严重的经济影响。 Mark Spence, CEO of the Construction Employers Federation, warns that without reforms to Northern Ireland's water and wastewater infrastructure funding, the region could face severe economic repercussions. 目前的能力问题阻止了19,000所住房的建造,导致住房危机,完工率达到60年来的最低点。 Current capacity issues prevent 19,000 homes from being built, contributing to a housing crisis with completions at a 60-year low. Spence敦促对NI Water进行全面的供资审查,以确保可持续的投资,同时强调,若不采取行动,情况可能会是灾难性的。 Spence urges a comprehensive funding review for NI Water to ensure sustainable investment, stressing that without action, the situation could be catastrophic.