美国公民自由联盟起诉南卡罗来纳州DMV和选举委员会拒绝向17 000名符合资格的17岁儿童进行选民登记。 ACLU sues South Carolina DMV & Election Commission for denying voter registration to 17,000 eligible 17-year-olds.
南卡罗来纳州公民自由联盟和南卡罗来纳州公民自由联盟已对州DMV和选举委员会提起诉讼,声称他们拒绝向17 000多名符合资格的17岁青年进行选民登记,这些人将在选举日年满18岁。 The ACLU and ACLU of South Carolina have filed a lawsuit against the state's DMV and Election Commission, claiming they denied voter registration to over 17,000 eligible 17-year-olds who will turn 18 by Election Day. 诉讼指控违反了《国家选民登记法》,该法规定在申请驾驶执照时必须有机会进行选民登记。 The lawsuit alleges a violation of the National Voter Registration Act, which mandates voter registration opportunities when applying for a driver's license. 联盟试图在11月5日选举前将这些人列入选民名册。 The ACLU seeks to add these individuals to the voter rolls before the November 5 election.