30岁的Shane Totman在Nashua被捕,罪名是攻击Mine Falls公园的妇女,面临简单的攻击指控。 30-year-old Shane Totman arrested in Nashua for assaulting women in Mine Falls Park, facing simple assault charge.
30岁的Shane Totman在新罕布什尔州Nashua被捕,据称10月11日至16日在Mine Falls公园袭击妇女。 Shane Totman, 30, was arrested in Nashua, New Hampshire, for allegedly assaulting women at Mine Falls Park between October 11 and 16. 5名妇女报告了一些事件,包括一名男子将一名妇女拉到地面的事件。 Five women reported incidents, including one where a man pulled a woman to the ground. 警方加强了巡逻,通过监视录像和受害人拍摄的照片,查明了Totman的身份。 Police increased patrols and identified Totman through surveillance footage and a photo taken by a victim. 他面临简单的攻击指控,并准备出庭。 He faces a simple assault charge and is set to appear in court. 调查还在继续,警方敦促公园内谨慎行事。 The investigation continues, with police urging caution in the park.