10月21日,在TCU的Colby Hall宿舍发生水管破裂,导致洪水、疏散和损害评估。 Water line rupture in Colby Hall dormitory at TCU on Oct 21 led to flooding, evacuation, and damage assessment.
德克萨斯基督教大学Colby Hall宿舍阁楼的一条水管破裂造成洪水,并促使居民于10月21日撤离。 A water line rupture in the attic of Colby Hall dormitory at Texas Christian University caused flooding and prompted the evacuation of residents on October 21. 大学工作人员和承包商正在评估损坏情况,为受影响学生安排住宿,尽管事故原因和修复时间表仍不清楚。 University staff and contractors are assessing damage and arranging accommodations for affected students, though the cause of the incident and a timeline for repairs are still unclear. TCU官员将在获得更多资料后提供最新资料。 TCU officials will provide updates as more information becomes available.