美国最后敲定了限制在中国进行AI、半导体和量子投资以防止军事援助的新规则。 U.S. finalizes new rules to limit AI, semiconductor, and quantum investments in China to prevent military aiding.
美国政府正在最后敲定限制美国对中国人工智能部门和其他敏感技术,包括半导体、微电子和量子计算的投资的新条例。 The U.S. government is finalizing new regulations to restrict American investments in China's artificial intelligence (AI) sector and other sensitive technologies, including semiconductors, microelectronics, and quantum computing. 这些措施是根据拜登总统的一项行政命令采取的,目的是防止美国的专门知识协助中国军队。 These measures, prompted by an executive order from President Biden, aim to prevent U.S. expertise from aiding China's military. 投资者将需要将某些交易通知财政部,预计不久将有最后规则。 Investors will need to notify the Treasury Department about certain transactions, with final rules expected soon.