联合王国政府指示国家空间能源组织到2026年制定战略空间能源计划,到2050年实现清洁能源过渡。 UK government directs NESO to create Strategic Spatial Energy Plan by 2026 for cleaner energy transition by 2050.
联合王国政府已责成国家能源系统操作员(NESO)在2026年之前制定战略空间能源计划(SSEP),目标是到2050年实现更清洁的能源过渡。 The UK government has tasked the National Energy System Operator (NESO) with creating the Strategic Spatial Energy Plan (SSEP) by 2026, aiming for a cleaner energy transition by 2050. 该计划将概述能源基础设施地点,改善投资稳定性,减少电网连接延误,降低系统成本,并创造就业机会。 The plan will outline energy infrastructure locations, improve investment stability, reduce grid connection delays, lower system costs, and create jobs. 它将侧重于发电和储存,包括氢,同时考虑到环境影响和运输等其他部门。 It will focus on electricity generation and storage, including hydrogen, while considering environmental impacts and other sectors like transport.