中国和印度解决四年边界争端,商定在拉加地区沿线进行军事巡逻。 China and India resolve four-year border dispute, agree on military patrols along LAC.
中国和印度已解决了为期四年的边界争端,商定沿实际控制线进行军事巡逻。 China and India have settled a four-year border dispute, agreeing on military patrols along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). 印度外交部长宣布完成脱离接触进程。 India's External Affairs Minister announced the completion of the disengagement process. 这项决议可以为印度总理莫迪和中国主席习近平在即将于俄罗斯举行的金砖五国首脑会议期间可能举行的旨在缓和长期紧张局势的会议铺平道路。 This resolution could pave the way for a potential meeting between Indian Prime Minister Modi and Chinese President Xi during the upcoming BRICS summit in Russia, aimed at reducing longstanding tensions.