43岁的Darshak Narran死于汉普顿唐斯赛道附近的袭击;两人被捕,被控谋杀。 43-year-old Darshak Narran died from assault near Hampton Downs racetrack; two men arrested, charged with murder.
来自南奥克兰的43岁的Darshak Narran于10月13日在汉普顿唐斯赛道附近遭到袭击,受伤身亡。 Darshak Narran, a 43-year-old from South Auckland, died from injuries sustained in an assault near Hampton Downs racetrack on October 13. 两人被逮捕并被指控谋杀他,计划于11月5日出庭。 Two men have been arrested and charged with his murder, scheduled to appear in court on November 5. 警方正在向事件期间汉普顿唐斯路的任何人寻找信息,尤其是那些有行车记录仪镜头的人,随着调查的继续,可以通过 Crime Stoppers 匿名提交线索。 Police are seeking information from anyone on Hampton Downs Road during the incident, especially those with dashcam footage, and tips can be submitted anonymously through Crime Stoppers as the investigation continues.