35岁的建筑工人被困在CCT工地Bridgeport的岩石下,承受着无生命威胁的伤害。 35-year-old construction worker trapped under rocks at Bridgeport, CT job site, sustains non-life-threatening injuries.
一名建筑工人星期一早上 在康涅狄格州Bridgeport的一个工地 被困在岩石下 A construction worker was trapped under rocks at a job site in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on Monday morning. 事件发生在上午9时10分左右,地点在斯特拉特福德大道正在建造的一所多家庭之家。 The incident occurred around 9:10 a.m. at a multifamily home under construction on Stratford Avenue. 急救人员,包括消防员和警察,正在现场试图营救这名35岁的男子,他受了无生命威胁的伤。 First responders, including firefighters and police, were on the scene attempting to rescue the 35-year-old man, who sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 地下室两次坍塌后,救援工作正在进行中。 The rescue efforts are ongoing following two collapses in the basement.