42岁的Britney Spears在Instagram上“结婚”,她离婚一年后。 42-year-old Britney Spears "married herself" on Instagram, a year after her divorce.
42岁的布里特尼·斯皮尔斯在Instagram上宣布,她与萨姆·阿斯加里离婚一年后"结婚了". Britney Spears, 42, announced on Instagram that she has "married herself," a year after her divorce from Sam Asghari. 她分享了一段穿着婚纱和面纱的视频,称这一行为是她做过的“最聪明的事情”。 She shared a video in a wedding dress and veil, calling the act the "most brilliant thing" she's done. 她与Paul Soliz有联系, 但最近她觉得「怪异」是单身。 The post comes amid speculation about her relationship status, as she has been linked to Paul Soliz but recently stated she feels "weird" being single. Spears正专注于自我改善和享受离婚后的生活。 Spears is focusing on self-improvement and enjoying her life post-divorce.