接受调查的1 000名老年美国人表现出共同的遗憾,将家庭、旅行和激情放在优先于事业的优先地位。 1,000 older Americans surveyed reveal common regrets, prioritizing family, travel, and passions over career.
对1 000名老年美国人的调查揭示了共同的遗憾,突出了错过机会、关系紧张以及承担风险的重要性等主题。 A survey of 1,000 older Americans revealed common regrets, highlighting themes such as missed opportunities, strained relationships, and the importance of taking risks. 许多人表示希望把家庭和友谊放在优先于事业的优先地位,旅行更多,追求自己的激情。 Many expressed a desire to have prioritized family and friendships over career, traveled more, and pursued their passions. 研究结果强调真实生活的价值,以及在整个生命中建立有意义的联系的价值。 The findings emphasize the value of living authentically and making meaningful connections throughout life.