在以色列-黎巴嫩边界6-52哨所的爱尔兰维和人员在清除地雷和碎片后获得再补给。 Irish peacekeepers at Outpost 6-52 on the Israeli-Lebanese border receive resupply after clearing mines and debris for access.
在以色列-黎巴嫩边界6-52哨所的爱尔兰维和人员在成功清除地雷和残块的通道后,获得了食品和水的重要再补给。 Irish peacekeepers at Outpost 6-52 on the Israeli-Lebanese border have received a vital resupply of food and water after a successful operation to clear their access route of mines and debris. 该哨所与附近的6-50号外围哨所一道,面临以色列部队与真主党之间的激烈战斗。 This outpost, along with nearby Outpost 6-50, has faced intense fighting between Israeli forces and Hizbullah. 尽管要求从以色列撤军,但联合国和爱尔兰部队在监测违反安理会第1701号决议的行为的同时,仍然致力于履行其维持和平任务。 Despite requests for withdrawal from Israel, the UN and Irish troops remain committed to their peacekeeping mandate while monitoring violations of UNSCR 1701.