国际能源机构在新加坡开设办事处,以加强东南亚的能源安全和去碳化。 IEA opens office in Singapore to boost energy security and decarbonization in Southeast Asia.
国际能源机构(能源机构)在新加坡开设了一个办事处,以加强在能源安全方面的区域合作,并支持东南亚的去碳化努力。 The International Energy Agency (IEA) has opened an office in Singapore to enhance regional cooperation on energy security and support decarbonization efforts in Southeast Asia. 国际能源机构与亚洲开发银行等组织合作,旨在加速采用清洁能源技术。 Collaborating with organizations like the Asian Development Bank, the IEA aims to accelerate clean energy technology adoption. 同时,新加坡能源市场管理局正在实施需求灵活性倡议,以便在高峰期优化能源使用,减少进口和降低排放量。 Meanwhile, Singapore's Energy Market Authority is implementing demand flexibility initiatives to optimize energy use during peak periods, reduce imports, and lower emissions.