2024 Edeoha,尼日利亚邪教攻击:冰岛邪教团体杀害了4名非附属居民。 2024 Edeoha, Nigeria cult attack: Iceland cult group killed 4 non-affiliated residents.
在2024年10月20日一起涉嫌与邪教有关的袭击中,冰岛邪教集团的枪手在尼日利亚里弗斯州埃代奥哈杀害了四名居民。 In a suspected cult-related attack on October 20, 2024, gunmen from the Iceland cult group killed four residents in Edeoha, Rivers State, Nigeria. 袭击者于上午2时左右袭击了与任何邪教无关的个人。 The assailants struck around 2 a.m., targeting individuals not affiliated with any cult. 目前正在进行调查,指示当地警察抓捕责任人。 Investigations are underway, with local police directed to capture those responsible. 袭击背后的动机仍然不清楚,但据信受害者是因不明原因成为袭击目标的。 The motives behind the attack remain unclear, but it is believed the victims were targeted for unknown reasons.